
I empower women to discover their self-worth, find their voice, and show up in the world as the most aligned, intuitive, and enlightened version of themselves.

The Mission

Empowering women to discover and live out their purpose through a revolutionary coaching method that blends spirituality, psychology, human design, yoga, meditation, universal laws, and quantum physics to unlock extraordinary outcomes.

Hi, I’m Emily.

Welcome, friend, I’m glad you’re here. I am an Intuitive, Healer, and Spiritual Life Coach.  I help women realign with and rediscover their strength and purpose, on many levels. 

Often, this is through a journey of birth and motherhood.  I help women dig in - to themselves, their pasts, their deep desires, their truths - to understand what holds them back from where they want to go, to how they want to feel, to who they want to be.  

I'm looking forward to supporting your journey. 

The Approach

A unique custom framework that blends listening, support, and the following healing modalities:

Work with Me

How can I best support you in your journey?

  • 1-1 Coaching

    12-Week Immersive Container including monthly calls and a custom framework

  • Human Design

    Discover your energetic makeup, your most aligned way of being, and your true purpose in this lifetime.

  • Resources

    The Reset, Self Care - Recalibrate (touches on multiple healing modalities)

Are you ready to discover and live out your unique purpose?

Let’s stay connected!

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