It was time.
If you’ve been around here for awhile, you know that I’ve just changed my branding, website, and entire business, really (there’s more about that process that I’d like to share with you).
For 13 years, I had been teaching yoga and related modalities, such as meditation, visualization, mindset, and more. Over the last many months, I have been receiving signs that it was time for me to release the title of yoga teacher. The signs became stronger and clearer that it was time to move into whatever was next for me. Well, in the few years prior to this, I had naturally shifted my focus to the Coaching world, Human Design, and some other modalities that I had been exploring and learning about for some time. But this was scary. I had identified as a yoga teacher for so long! It was what got me out of the dreaded corporate world and what had helped me on my healing journey from so much of my past. Would anyone “let” me be something different? Interesting thought, right? I realized that it wasn’t for the outside world to determine who I get to be.
Long story short, the signs kept coming, and it just started happening. While I am blessed to continue working with some of my more cherished long-term 1:1 yoga clients, I have also been blessed with my Human Design, which has helped me massively in navigating this huge shift in my life and business. Knowing my design helped me understand the signs I was receiving, how my intuitive was showing up, what I was feeling, how to use my emotional wave to support me. Knowing my strategy and having had time to practice using it and see how it works so well for me to be in an aligned state of living, how it lets me interact with the opportunities that are really for me and gives me the discernment to know the difference…the benefits are often hard to communicate and portray. I’ve found that the best way, in my experience and that of my clients, is to take the step of having a foundational reading and seeing what at least the basics of your chart are all about. It’s not a system that simply tells you what to do. It’s considered a blueprint, yet, but one of the most important things to me is highlighting the co-creative piece of this modality. We get to use it to reconnect what we were born with, who we were born as, and realign with the knowing that comes with that. For most of us, the conditioning is thick. So much has been layered on over time that many of us have adopted it as our “true nature” even when it’s not. It can create an internal struggle that can be denied for a length of time, but not forever. I guess the question is, once you become awake to there being something “there” for you…how long are you willing to leave it unaddressed? The deconditioning is so freaking liberating! It takes time and willingness, but wow is it healing.
If this speaks to you, now just might be the time ;-)
With love,