Knowing your Human Design can be the difference between…
I’ve been thinking quite a lot about describing Human Design to someone who hasn’t had any exposure to it, or has heard of it but wants to understand what it is. I’ve noticed the challenge it has been to describe it in a short and concise way that actually allows someone to take in and understand conceptually what it is. To be honest, I don’t think understanding what it is and how it can benefit one’s life is even possible without taking a first step to have a reading and see one’s chart. I’ve found that this is what allows the unfolding of the layers of understanding, which has been exciting to experience for myself, and to watch my clients experience as they embark on the journey of discovering and implementing their own Human Design principles.
Knowing your design can be the difference between:
thinking there’s something wrong with you vs. understanding that you simply haven’t been guided or nurtured properly.
knowing that you are most successful with yes/no scenarios and questions vs. thriving with open-ended questions and subjective questions.
knowing that your system thrives with periods of rest throughout the day vs. needing to keep going to expend your consistent sacral energy (that not everyone has).
thinking that urge is your instinct when really it’s a very well integrated habit that was created in an out-of-alignment version of yourself.
knowing the decision was from you for you vs. from someone else for someone else.
knowing your system benefits from working out all of your remaining energy for successful sleep vs. letting yourself learn to naturally wind your mind down to sleep and needing to alone time to discharge the energy you’ve absorbed from others this way.
There are countless things and ways of being that we have learned are the “right way” or “healthy” or whatever. The truth is that there are a variety of them and a lot of what is correct for someone is based on their energetics and how they’re designed to take in energy, amplify it, process it, be consistent in areas, or be more variable in areas. The Human Design system really makes it apparent that we truly are all different, by design, so that we can work together like a big puzzle, rather than being cookie-cutter. It shows us how truly detrimental it is to try to be someone we are not designed to be. It shows us that it’s not just tolerating someone who is different, but truly embracing and realizing the absolute need for those who are different from us. This was a concept I thought I believed but then Human Design pulled back the veil and showed me this new, beautiful and undeniable way to conceptualize and embrace all of our unique designs. AND how to start from the beginning, in a way, to re-learn our true nature before the thick layers of conditioning tried to (or did) smooth us all over into someone that looks like identically cut cookies.
Here’s the thing, though!
It’s in our Nature to resist what isn’t our truth! It’s why so many of us struggle with certain things - because we’ve been conditioned that we should be doing someone a certain way, or BEING a certain way, and it’s not true for us. So we struggle and struggle and often internalize a narrative that there’s something wrong with US; that we have a certain disorder or condition; that we should be working hard to BE different. Sorry, no. We get to be ourselves. If you were to ask yourself who your truest self is, it will probably take some time to get beneath the layers and reconnect with the truth. It’s ok. That’s why I’m here.
All that to say, I think an awesome first step is to either schedule a Human Design reading with me OR to take advantage of a NEW feature on my website where you get to enter your information and with the click of a button, receive your unique chart for FREE and INSTANTLY! I’ve been intentional about making this feature available to you and it’s finally ready, so I’d love for you to test it out and get your chart already ;-).
BTW: imagine if your parents had known about YOUR Human Design when raising you. How might things have been different? Maybe I’ll explore that in the next blog post.
Until then,